Listening to the Mind-Body signals
“Our bodies have innate intuition. Our bodies can tell when something is out of balance in our lives, even if this knowledge is unclear in our conscious minds.” – Louise L. Hay
When life goes on a fast track, we often act involuntarily and land up with a mixed bag of outcomes.
We may hear an inner voice guiding us, or an image that flashes, when we are about to take an important decision. Yet, we could miss it because we are either too anxious or preoccupied with too many thoughts in our mind. Learning to pay attention to these signals will make a big difference to our lives.
By listening to the signals emerging from the mind and body, our actions become sensitive to ourselves, others and the situation; leading to more meaningful outcomes.
Ragini Rao, Psychotherapist and Heal Your Life Workshop Leader, will conduct a Free-Webinar, sharing an interesting mix of Insights, Reflective Exercises and Meditations to help explore the Mind-Body signals.