All of us have gone through, or continue to go through, bouts of anger. Some of short duration; and others that stay within us and keep surfacing when some trigger happens. Anger is a natural emotion which all of us carry.
The difference is in how each one of us addresses it or responds to it!
So, while some may look “reasonable” or composed even while being angry, some others may look aggressive and out of control. This in turn impacts the perception about us and our relationships, at work as well as in personal life.
What is your own experience with this emotion?
Answer the following questions to reflect –
Are there times when –
- you feel angry, but don’t know how to express it?
- you are expressing anger, but actually feeling something else ?
- you express your anger and then regret it ?
- you feel numb and stuck ?
“These are some of the questions and issues I have come across in my work as a psychotherapist. This program is designed to help you out of such situations,“
says Ragini Rao, Psychotherapist, Transactional Analyst & Trainer, who is facilitating this program on Anger Management.
Please check out the detailed profile of Ragini Rao at the end of this page.
Program Content
Emotions and feelings are an integral part of our psyche . Fully owning them, acknowledging and expressing our feelings appropriately is part of our emotional intelligence.
Many of us may have learnt this fact by trial and error; some others learnt as part of our personal development journey; while some may not be even fully aware of about their emotions.
We all have four basic feelings – Happy, Sad, Angry and Fear. All other feelings are offshoots of these. Being fully aware of our real feelings, at any given point of time, is crucial in dealing with situations and problems that we face.
What is the truth about Anger?
- Is it helpful or unhelpful?
- When is it ok to be angry and at what point do we need to manage it?
- How does one understand one’s anger and manage it, so that one’s life and relationships aren’t negatively impacted?
This Learning Video program by Ragini Rao will take you through two sessions –
(1) Understanding Anger
(2) Managing Anger
The program explains the feeling of Anger and its outward manifestation; helps look within to identify our own triggers and reactions; and explains 9 effective ways to manage anger based reactions. The program also gives 8 different ways to improve emotional wellbeing.
Interested? Sign in for this program right away by clicking on the Enroll Now tab.
Special Offer on a Counselling session
On completing this program, you can avail a special Rs.400 discount on one online session with a Counsellor/Psychotherapist at InfinumGrowth;
to explore and reflect further about how to bring changes in the way you manage situations that trigger Anger.
Click on Counselling/Psychotherapy to check out the service and team at InfinumGrowth.
Introductory Video
Here is a short video where Ragini Rao explains, using her own example, this emotion called Anger. She introduces you to her Learning Video program. Watch this film to get an insight into the program.
Please also go through the guidance on how to enroll, in the program features section on this page.
Learning Video Content
Anger Management
Understanding Anger – Session 1 of Anger Management Learning Video
Managing Anger