The present day fast paced, multi tasking lives that most of us lead creates an enormous amount of pressure and stress on each individual. How does one cope with this and be successful, without having collateral damages to the Mind and Body?
One very important ability that we all need is that of being focussed and at peace while handling one task at a time, even as multiple other issues are waiting to grab our attention.
This ability is called Mindfulness. We all have heard of it, but few actually practice it. Those who do, vouch for it’s amazing capacity to help in maintaining a calm mind and a relaxed body, even as we focus on the task on hand!
How do we set aside time to learn Mindfulness while handling such busy lives?!!
InfinumGrowth brings forth this very easy to follow introductory, learning video program on Mindfulness by Sathyanarayan Iyer, Certified Level 2 Mindfulness Coach.
Sathyanarayan Iyer is based at Mumbai. He currently works with leaders in organisations, empowering them on their journey towards being more effective in their approach with their teams. To know more about him, please visit his profile given at the bottom of this page.
Satya, as he is fondly known , is certified in the Unified Mindfulness framework, which is popular all over the world. Its proven techniques are being taught to many employees of large, global corporations, who have seen great value in its ability to help their employee productivity and health.
This learning video program provides one signature technique of Unified Mindfulness, called See, Hear, Feel, to help initiate us into the journey of Mindfulness.
InfinumGrowth’s learning video format helps busy individuals learn at their own time and pace and of course, view the program multiple times if required, to deepen the learning.
About Unified Mindfulness
In the words of Shinzen Young, the founder of the Unified Mindfulness technique and the author of the bestselling book – The Science of Enlightenment, “Ultimately, meditation can allow us to have happiness independent of conditions; and that is one heck of an awesome claim.”
Unified Mindfulness is a mindfulness technique, which has the integrated wisdom of all major contemplative practices from around the world.
Built with rigour and precision, leading institutes like the Carnegie Mellon and the Harvard Medical Centre have tested the efficacies of all the techniques.
Who all can benefit from learning about mindfulness?
Mindfulness can benefit people from all walks of life – right from students who want to develop their ability to concentrate, professionals who want to effectively manage stress and enhance productivity; homemakers who want to cultivate positivity; trainers or coaches who want to add a powerful flavour to their existing work; or therapists when dealing with their clients; mindfulness has something to offer for everyone.
Ready to start? All you need is to create an account ID and password and then Enroll for the program. We do hope you will benefit immensely from this program. Do share your feedback with us after completing it.
Learning Video Content
Unlocking Mindfulness
Session 1 – Introduction to Mindfulness
Session 2 – Signature Technique : See Hear Feel